>Discography->El Picaflor
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Lyrics for
El Picaflor
Note: the lyrics below show the song as it was originally written or in its traditional format. It was very likely performed quite differently by Yma Sumac in her shows and recordings.

Recorded in 1943, this song is from an early 78 rpm Single  A review with more details is available.

El Picaflor
Quisiera ser picaflor, para chuparte
la miel, para chuparte la miel
del capullo de tu boca.

Me mirás, te ríes pero no sabes,
ingrata que tengo otra mejor que tú.

Esa cintita que bien le queda,
en los cabellos de mi cholita
silba, silba silbadorita cautivadorita Back to Top